Skateboard/All-Wheel Park and Outdoor Hub Facility
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Consultation has concluded
The City is pursuing grant funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program to develop an integrated, modern site-built concrete skateboard/all-wheel park to replace and improve on the current outdated and deteriorating skate park. The facility will be open to the public, free of charge, and cater to all skill levels and riding styles of users. The City also envisions the all-wheel park as part of an "outdoor hub" facility for locals and visitors alike to gather, connect, and further explore the community.
This informal hub spans the area from the current skate park to the mountain bike skills parkContinue reading
The City is pursuing grant funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program to develop an integrated, modern site-built concrete skateboard/all-wheel park to replace and improve on the current outdated and deteriorating skate park. The facility will be open to the public, free of charge, and cater to all skill levels and riding styles of users. The City also envisions the all-wheel park as part of an "outdoor hub" facility for locals and visitors alike to gather, connect, and further explore the community.
This informal hub spans the area from the current skate park to the mountain bike skills park adjacent to the outdoor rink, and also includes the access to the off-leash Railyard dog park, dirt jumps, spray park, the Aquatic Centre, trail heads, venue for events like the Canada Day concert, outdoor workout equipment, and basketball courts.
If the City is awarded funding, specific elements and robust public engagement will be part of the detailed design phase. For now, we'd like to hear in general terms what's important to you for enhancing this outdoor hub. Please contribute below!