Fall 2020 Citizen Satisfaction Survey

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Every year, the Citizen Satisfaction Survey is made available to the public to provide an opportunity for citizens to give feedback and allow Council and staff to better understand how City services are perceived in the community. Results from the survey help inform Council and staff of potential areas for improvement and allow us to better understand the priorities of the public.

We wanted to shift the annual survey to the fall to align better with our annual budget cycle and our commitment to engaging the community at the outset of the budget process rather than towards the end. This survey is one of a few opportunities to engage on the 2021 budget.

Every year, the Citizen Satisfaction Survey is made available to the public to provide an opportunity for citizens to give feedback and allow Council and staff to better understand how City services are perceived in the community. Results from the survey help inform Council and staff of potential areas for improvement and allow us to better understand the priorities of the public.

We wanted to shift the annual survey to the fall to align better with our annual budget cycle and our commitment to engaging the community at the outset of the budget process rather than towards the end. This survey is one of a few opportunities to engage on the 2021 budget.

  • What We Heard

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    supporting image

    The Citizen Satisfaction Survey is made available to the public every year to provide an opportunity for citizens to give feedback and allow Council and staff to better understand how City services are perceived in the community. Results from the survey help to inform Council and staff on potential areas for improvement, to gauge citizen awareness of City initiatives, and to better understand the priorities of the public.

    104 participants responded to the survey, while 240 visited the site and associated documents without responding to the survey. The full report will be coming out soon, but in the meantime, here's what we heard.

Page last updated: 01 Sep 2020, 05:13 PM