Active Transportation Master Plan

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Project Status

The City of Fernie has completed the Active transportation Master Plan (ATMP) that will address the city-wide multi-modal transportation needs for the next generation. Thank you for your input on this important project. The ATMP was adopted by Council on May 24, 2022.


The ATMP will function as a long-range strategic plan that guides transportation and investment. The plan will define the role and function of the transportation system in Fernie, and guide the City in designing and implementing an improved multi-modal transportation network over the next 25 years. Ensuring a robust transportation network that safely and comfortably incorporates all modes will be important to the City's continued economic growth, livability, and success.

The plan prioritizes and encourages walking as the first choice for short trips, as well as cycling/wheeled access to schools, local businesses, recreation facilities, and employment centres while also accommodating growth in vehicle traffic as required for economic sustainability and community development patterns. The plan establishes simplified street classification, provide guidance on complete street design, and incorporate information about road speeds and safety to enhance neighbourhood environments and minimize conflicts between street users.

The key benefits of the completed plan include more desirable and varied transportation options for the public, a transportation system that is sustainable over time, and the provisioning of mobility options that will benefit both the health of citizens and the natural environment.

Next Steps

The final plan will be the City's overall vision for the future. Implementation will be staged based on assessed need, funding availability, and overall support.

Project Status

The City of Fernie has completed the Active transportation Master Plan (ATMP) that will address the city-wide multi-modal transportation needs for the next generation. Thank you for your input on this important project. The ATMP was adopted by Council on May 24, 2022.


The ATMP will function as a long-range strategic plan that guides transportation and investment. The plan will define the role and function of the transportation system in Fernie, and guide the City in designing and implementing an improved multi-modal transportation network over the next 25 years. Ensuring a robust transportation network that safely and comfortably incorporates all modes will be important to the City's continued economic growth, livability, and success.

The plan prioritizes and encourages walking as the first choice for short trips, as well as cycling/wheeled access to schools, local businesses, recreation facilities, and employment centres while also accommodating growth in vehicle traffic as required for economic sustainability and community development patterns. The plan establishes simplified street classification, provide guidance on complete street design, and incorporate information about road speeds and safety to enhance neighbourhood environments and minimize conflicts between street users.

The key benefits of the completed plan include more desirable and varied transportation options for the public, a transportation system that is sustainable over time, and the provisioning of mobility options that will benefit both the health of citizens and the natural environment.

Next Steps

The final plan will be the City's overall vision for the future. Implementation will be staged based on assessed need, funding availability, and overall support.

Page last updated: 04 Jun 2024, 10:16 AM