Zoning and Housing - Advancing the Housing Needs Report
This article summarizes current and new zoning that supports advancing multi-family housing in Fernie.
Multi-Family Development Lands (Undeveloped)
There are a number of privately-owned properties in Fernie that are zoned for multi-family development, and remain undeveloped. Many of these properties are within the existing parcel fabric, and some would be considered greenfield development.
Theoretically, based on the size of the properties and the maximum density allowed in these areas, the undeveloped multi-family zoned properties in Fernie represent a maximum of 2,688 dwelling units. A conservative assessment based on development to 50% of the maximum density still allows for the creation of 1,344 dwelling units without the need for significant new zoning.
Major New Zoning
Since the completion of the Housing Needs Report the City has moved forward with changes to the Zoning Bylaw to diversify the available housing stock, and promote the creation of new units in areas they weren’t previously permitted.
Rental Zoning
In March 2021, Council adopted Bylaw 2410 creating the R5R – High Density Residential Rental zone, and rezoned 90 Castle Mountain Road to the new R5R Zone, creating the opportunity to develop up to 193 dwelling units.
Fernie was one of the first municipalities in BC to approve rental zoning as an initiative to support housing diversification
CS1 Service Commercial
In February, 2022 Council adopted a text amendment to the zoning bylaw to make dwelling units legal in the CS1- Service Commercial Zone above the first storey or behind the commercial component. There are approximately 38 lots that are zoned CS1 in the City (Located in the North Annex and the Ghostrider Subdivision). With the amendment to the CS1 zone, each one of those properties has the potential to have dwelling units above or behind a permitted commercial use. The bylaw does not limit the amount of dwelling units; however, lot size, parcel coverage and parking requirements for those dwelling units must be applied, which may limit the total number of potential new units.

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