Delegating "Minor" Variances - Streamlining the Process

The Planning Department is working on several short-term projects that are intended to help increase dwelling units in the affordable housing fabric.

Delegation of Authority for Minor Variances

This opportunity has just been created by updated Provincial legislation. Council may now consider delegating (giving) the authority to approve a specific set of variances to staff.

First, the set of variances must be defined, and then if an application requiring variances fits within that definition it can be processed through staff authorized by Council.

  • Definition of “minor” variance a proposed variance must meet this definition to be delegated, otherwise, it must proceed to Council:
    • Setbacks greater than or equal to 1.5 metres from property line
    • Building / Structure height up to 10% over allowable height in the Zoning Bylaw
    • Parcel coverage up to 10% over allowable parcel coverage in the Zoning Bylaw
    • All projections into the required setback
  • Guidelines under which the delegate (Director or Manager of Planning) must consider when deciding on the issuance of a variance (Is there a high degree negative impact?):
    • Appropriateness of the development
    • Affects on the natural environment
    • Use and Enjoyment of adjacent lands
    • Changes in use / density
    • Intent of the Zoning Bylaw

The new process is expected to drastically reduce the amount of staff time spent on these applications, and subsequently reduce wait times for the issuance of permits.

Old Process Overview:

New Process Overview:

Read the report on this initiative and how it ensures the opportunity for public participation while reducing time spent per application and per Council meeting on these "minor" variances.

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