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Each year City Council and City Staff work together to develop an annual budget and five-year financial plan to guide where tax dollars, funding, and resources are allocated during the coming year.The City’s budget is guided by Council's strategic priorities, the need to maintain and replace our infrastructure andassets, continuing to offer essential services, and priorities expressed by the community.
The 2025 Budget Process will include a series of Special Budget Meetings in late January and through February to present the draft operating and capital budgets to Council for their consideration.
There will be opportunities for you to follow along with the discussion and provide your input at a Public Open House, at Council meetings, and through an online survey.
Each year City Council and City Staff work together to develop an annual budget and five-year financial plan to guide where tax dollars, funding, and resources are allocated during the coming year.The City’s budget is guided by Council's strategic priorities, the need to maintain and replace our infrastructure andassets, continuing to offer essential services, and priorities expressed by the community.
The 2025 Budget Process will include a series of Special Budget Meetings in late January and through February to present the draft operating and capital budgets to Council for their consideration.
There will be opportunities for you to follow along with the discussion and provide your input at a Public Open House, at Council meetings, and through an online survey.
Page last updated: 07 Feb 2025, 10:03 AM
How does your BC Assessment impact your property taxes?
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Your Property Value Change and Property Taxes
An increase in your assessment does not necessarily mean an increase in your property taxes. Property tax changes are generally impacted by your assessment's change relative to your community's average assessment change. This video explains what could happen to your property taxes if your assessment is lower, higher or similar to the average change for your property class.