Budget 2023 Feedback Form
At two Special Budget Meetings held in early February, City of Fernie Staff presented the proposed operating and capital budgets for 2023. On February 15, we held a public Budget Open House, and a survey was conducted from from February 15-22, 2023 to gather initial public feedback.
The Draft 2023 Budget focuses on maintaining existing services that residents rely on the City to provide every day, while advancing key projects that are in line with Council's strategic objectives, and planning for critical infrastructure upgrades that will be facing the City in the coming years.
After taking into account projected revenues, the remaining shortfall stands at $551,843 which is a gap that needs to be closed to bring forward a balanced budget as required by legislation. On February 28, Council directed staff to bring back a Financial Plan for 1st and 2nd reading that requires a 6.8% tax increase to fund.
Please fill out this feedback form if you would like to share any comments, suggestions or concerns regarding the Provisional 2023 Budget.